situation: becoming
“To still becoming into a lingering identity is to try to stop movement.”
—Erin Manning, Relationscapes: Movement, Art, Philosophy
situation: becoming’s (2012) choreography oscillates at the juncture of the post-human and the every day. Research for this project was initiated in the Process Project, a performance-based improvisational practice founded in 2009. Using movement material contributed by choreographer Neil Greenberg, situation: becoming thinks and dances through the concepts of citation, appropriation, embodiment, and presence. situation: becoming creates a meta-situation in which the performers’ identities are not fixed, a world in a perpetual state of becoming. Video projections and a pulsing electronic score envelope the senses; these are then peeled back to reveal the tattered edges of a post-apocalyptic living room inhabited by unlikely characters.
Creative Team
Concept/Direction: Megan Bridge
Choreography/Performance: Megan Bridge, Zornitsa Stoyanova, Mauri Walton and Annie Wilson
Music/Video: Peter Price
Dramaturgy: Laura Vriend
Lighting Designer: Zornitsa Stoyanova
Costume Designer: Heidi Barr
Production Requirements
Performance in the reverse-round with audience seating on floor cushions in the center of the space. White box gallery setting with 3-6 video projectors. Four dancers, one sound technician, one lighting technician. 50 minutes