February 14 & March 7, 2015 from 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
You get 30 minutes.
Invite your friends and collaborators.
Get feedback.
Free to attend and participate.
You get what you need.
Starting February, there is a new way for the dance community to support each other. Get what you need is a way to support and engage in conversation about the work and life of a dance maker. Sign up in advance by emailing: zornitsa@herebegindance.com to reserve your 30 minute slot. You can do whatever you want with your time (show a piece, talk about a concept, go through budgets, brainstorm funding, anything connected to you as a dancer and dance maker). Invite your friends and collaborators – low stakes, good conversation!
Zornitsa will be present and available as a resource.
Events will be open to the public, but not heavily marketed, so it really is from the dance community for the dance community. If no one signs for a slot on a particular date, event will be canceled.